


Fully booked! China braces for record May Day holiday rush



China is bracing for a record-high travel rush over the Labour Day holiday, with popular sightseeing spots selling out of tickets and some cities warning would-be visitors away as domestic tourism rebounds after Beijing ended COVID curbs.


brace /breɪs/ 指「做好准备」(to get ready for something unpleasant )例如:

The town is bracing for a busy tourist season.这个镇子在为旅游旺季做准备。

record /ˈrɛkɚd/ 这里作形容词,指「创纪录的;空前的」(at a higher level than ever achieved before)例如:

Inflation has reached record levels. 通货膨胀已创历史最高。


College loan balances in the U.S. now stand at a record $1.5 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve.根据美联储的数据,美国大学贷款欠额已达创纪录的1.5万亿 美元。

rush /rʌʃ/ 指「忙碌;繁忙」(a situation in which people are very busy and there is a lot of activity)例如:

The evening rush was just starting.繁忙的夜晚才刚开始。

would-be /ˈwʊd biː/ 指「(形容想要成为…的人)未来的」(used to describe somebody who is hoping to become the type of person mentioned)例如:

advice for would-be parents对即将成为父母的人的忠告


rebound /rɪˈbaʊnd/ 指「回升;反弹」(recover in value, amount, or strength after a decrease or decline)例如:

Share prices rebounded today after last week’s losses.股票价格在上周下跌之后﹐今天出现了反弹。


There are signs of an economic rebound.有经济反弹的迹象。

curb /kɜːrb/ 指「控制;限制,约束;抑制」(a limit on something that is not wanted)例如:

You must try to put a curb on your bad temper/spending habits.你必须尽量控制你的坏脾气/大手大脚的习惯。


Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the so-called State Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets.对商业方法专利申请的限制也许是 一次戏剧性的180度逆转,因为正是联邦巡回法院自己在1998年被称为“道富银行案”的裁决中引入了此类专利,批准了一项共同基金资产筹集方法的专利。

Authorities are expecting 19 million trips to be made across China's vast railway network on Saturday, the first day of the five-day holiday, which would be the highest number of rail trips made in a single day in the country's history.

当局预计,在五天假期的第一天(星期六),中国庞大的铁路网络将有 1900 万人次出行,这将是中国历史上单日铁路出行量最高的一天。

It compares to 4.4 million rail trips on May 1 last year, when China locked down several cities including Shanghai to battle the spread of the virus, and the last peak of 18.8 million on the same day in 2021.

相比之下,去年 5 月 1 日有 440 万人次的铁路出行量,当时包括上海在内的多个城市进行封控管理以阻遏病毒的传播,而上一次高峰是 2021 年同一天的 1880 万人次。

lockdown /ˈlɑːkdaʊn/ 指「(对人或交通工具的)活动限制,行动限制」(an official order to control the movement of people or vehicles because of a dangerous situation)例如:

The school has been placed on lockdown this morning while authorities investigate a bomb threat.这座学校今天早晨被置于封锁之下,便于当局调查炸弹威胁。

动词为lock down,例如:

Police have locked down the entire area.警方已经封锁了整个地区。

peak /piːk/ 指「顶峰﹐顶点」(the time when something or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful etc)例如:

Sales this month have reached a new peak.本月的销售额创了新高。


Not long ago, with the country entering a recession and Japan at its pre-bubble peak, the U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of the primary causes of the U.S. economic performance.不久前,随着美国经济进入衰退期,而日本经济处于泡沫破灭前的顶峰,美国劳动大军被嘲讽受教育水平低,(这一点)被看作是其经济表现不振的主要原因之一。

Over the 40-day Lunar New Year travel period in January-February this year, 348 million trips were made in total, or about 8.7 million trips a day on average, according to the National Railway Administration.


The May holiday is far shorter than the Lunar New Year and October Golden Week holidays but traditionally still is one of China's busiest travel seasons as spring moves into summer. This year, the holiday is crucial for the tourism industry as well as the wider Chinese economy as the country strives to recover from years of virus disruptions.


strive /straɪv/ 指「努力,奋斗,力争」(to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties)例如:

I was still striving to be successful.我仍在努力争取成功。


The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways.最受欢迎的王室家族都在势力摆脱或隐藏旧有贵族习气。

disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ 指「打断,中断,扰乱」(to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems)例如:

Traffic was disrupted by a hoax bomb.有人虚报有炸弹﹐造成了交通混乱。

其名词为disruption /dɪsˈrʌpʃn/ 指「中断;扰乱;混乱」(a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way)例如:

The train strikes caused major disruption to thousands of commuters. 铁路罢工使成千上万乘火车的通勤者受到严重影响。


However, there is a strong case that those who have been worst affected by industrial action should receive compensation for the disruption they have suffered.虽然最近这波罢工潮的责任在于工会,但受劳工行动(这里指“铁路罢工”)影响最严重的人们完全有理由就其遭受的混乱获得赔偿。

"It took me a lot of effort to get a ticket, it's hard this time," said Di Jingshu, 21, as she waited for a train at Shanghai's packed Hongqiao railway station on Thursday. China's aviation authority said it expects air passenger trips to reach a total of 9 million over the five days.

周四,21 岁的翟婧舒(音)在上海拥挤的虹桥火车站等火车时说:“我费了很大力气才买到票,这次很难。” 中国民航局表示,预计这五天的航空客运量将达到900万人次。

packed /pækt/ 指「异常拥挤的;挤满人的」(extremely full of people)例如:

The island was packed with tourists.岛上满是游客。


This slim volume is packed with tips to help wage slaves, as well as lottery winners, get the most "happiness bang for your buck.这本薄薄的书卷中写满了建议,既给彩票赢家,也给薪奴“从财富中获取最大快乐”提供了帮助。

aviation /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/ 指「航空(学);飞行(术);航空工业」(the activity of flying aircraft, or of designing, producing, and keeping them in good condition)例如:

the British Civil Aviation Authority英国民航局

Booking sites for popular scenic spots, such as Beijing's Old Summer Palace and the Badaling section of the Great Wall showed they were sold out of tickets for the first few days of the Labour Day holiday, and Trip.com Group said that reservations across its online travel platform had surpassed 2019 levels.


scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/ 指「风景优美的」(having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features)例如:

We found a nice scenic spot for lunch.我们找到一个不错的景点吃午饭。

section /ˈsekʃn/ 指「部分﹔区域」(one of the parts that something such as an object or place is divided into)例如:

That section of the road is still closed.那段公路依旧封闭。

surpass /sərˈpæs/ 指「超过;胜过」(to be even better or greater than someone or something else)例如:

One small city, Zibo in China's coastal Shandong province, which has gone viral on Chinese social media in recent weeks for its local barbecue cuisine, imposed an upper limit on Sunday on hotel room rates and three days later issued a public letter warning would-be visitors its downtown hotels were fully booked.


coastal /ˈkəʊstl/ 指「海岸的;沿海的」(of or near a coast)例如:

coastal areas/regions/waters沿海地区/地域/水域

viral /ˈvaɪrəl/ 这里指「(信息、视频、图像等)在网上快速传播的」(used to describe a piece of information, a video, an image, etc. that is sent rapidly over the internet and seen by large numbers of people within a short time)例如:

Within 24 hours, the video went viral on YouTube and Facebook.在 24 小时内,该视频在影片分享网站和脸书上疯传。

此外,viral还表示「病毒的;病毒性的;病毒引起的」(caused by or relating to a virus)例如:

viral diseases/infections 病毒性疾病/感染



barbecue /ˈbɑːrbɪkjuː/ 指「户外烧烤」(an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way)例如:

Let's have a barbecue!我们来一次户外烧烤吧!

cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ 指「菜肴,饭菜」(food cooked in a certain way)例如:

This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine.这家餐馆以辣菜出名。

cuisine还表示「烹饪(法)」(a particular style of cooking)例如:

French cuisine法式烹饪

"Passenger traffic has exceeded our accommodation capacity," it said, pleading for understanding should service levels fall short given the anticipated swelling of visitor numbers.


traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ 这里指「(公路、铁路、海上或空中人员或货物的)流量」(number of people or amount of goods moved from one place to another by road, rail, sea or air )例如:

We get a lot of foot traffic [=people who walk by and stop to look] in our shop.我们商店的客流量很大。

exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ 指「超过(数目或数量)」(to be greater than a particular number or amount)例如:

The price will not exceed £100.价格不会超过 100 英镑。


It reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue.美国邮政(USPS)继续处于严重赤字状态。它公布了2016财年高达56亿美元的净亏损额,这是连续第10年其支出超过收入。

capacity /kəˈpæsəti/ 指「容量;容积;容纳能力」(the number of things or people that a container or space can hold)例如:

The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000.那座剧院能容纳 2 000 名观众。


But a boost in the storage capacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.但是,电池存储容量的提升正使其更有可能能够昼夜不停地持续供电。

plead /pliːd/ 指「乞求,恳求」(to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something)例如:

He was on his knees, pleading for mercy/forgiveness.他跪在地上,乞求宽恕/原谅。


Only Ukip, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.只有独立党,觉察到了机会,与那些呼吁以一种更周全的方式使用绿地的人站在了一起。

should /ʃʊd/ 指「(表示可能)假如,万一」(used to refer to a possible event or situation)例如:

Should you (= if you) ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me.如果你需要什么,请直接同我联系吧。

swell /swel/ 指「(使)增加,增大,扩大」(to increase or make something increase in number or size)例如:

Membership has swelled to over 20 000.成员增加到 2 万余人。

Outbound travel for the holiday however continues to remain constrained, in part due to a shortage of international flights, although bright spots were emerging in cities such as Macau and Jakarta, according to a report from travel data firm ForwardKey's.

然而,根据旅游数据公司 ForwardKey's 的一份报告,尽管澳门和雅加达等城市出现了亮点,但假期的出境游仍然受到限制,部分原因是国际航班短缺。

"Bookings for outbound travel are around 50% behind the pre-pandemic levels," it said. "Chinese travellers have started to travel abroad but are still preferring destinations within the Asia Pacific region."

报告说:“出境游的预订量比疫情前低了 50% 左右。中国游客已开始出国旅游,但仍偏爱亚太地区的目的地。”

outbound /ˈaʊtbaʊnd/ 指「向外的;离港的;离开某地的」(travelling away from a particular place)例如:

There has been an increase in outbound traffic leaving Toronto airport for the Caribbean resorts.从多伦多机场飞往加勒比海旅游胜地的出港旅客有所增加。

constrain /kənˈstreɪn/ 指「限制;限定;约束」(to limit somebody/something)例如:

There are a number of factors that constrain agricultural development.有许多因素制约着农业发展。


As countless boards and business owners will attest, constraining firms from firing poorly performing, high-earning managers is a handbrake on boosting productivity and overall performance.正如无数董事会和企业主会证实的一样,限制企业解雇表现不佳的高薪经理会阻碍企业的生产效率以及整体业绩的提高。

bright spot 指「(不幸或困境中的)可喜部分,亮点」(a good thing that occurs during a bad or difficult time)例如:

Car sales were one of the few bright spots for the economy last year.汽车销售是去年经济中为数不多的亮点之一。

游客 游客
